How to book a personal chef service with Mama Jean

  • Step 1

    Visit the contact page and email me to schedule a free 30-minute consultation. We will discuss the dietary needs/allergies of your household in order to customize a meal plan. To view sample menus, click here.

  • Step 2

    Next we will set up a brief walk through in your kitchen so I can get oriented to the space. At minimum this service requires a clean workspace and a functioning oven and refrigeration unit. We will discuss what equipment is available to use so I can plan accordingly and fill in the gaps if needed.

  • Step 3

    On your scheduled cooking date, I will shop for fresh ingredients in the morning and arrive at your home ready to prepare meals for the week!

What to expect

Buttermilk roast chicken with sweet potatoes and arugula chive blossom salad

  • The service includes customized menu planning, food shopping, and meal preparation in your home.

  • Meals will be labeled in containers in your refrigerator or freezer, complete with reheating instructions. The kitchen will be left spotless at the end of each cooking session with dinner ready to be served.

  • I am passionate about menu planning and cater to a wide range of diets including gluten-free, whole-food plant-based, vegetarian, vegan, dairy-free, low FODMAP, paleo, and dairy-free, as well as traditional. You can view sample menus here.

  • Meals include three different entrees plus chef’s choice of sides, providing 12-18 meals per service (dependent on appetites as well as recipes; standard servings are anywhere from 4-6 depending on the entree, and can be up to 8 for casseroles).

  • Typically there will be two sides prepared per entree, unless it is a casserole, stew, or other dish that contains protein, vegetable, and starch.

  • Containers that are microwave-safe, dishwasher-safe, and freezer-safe are recommended. If needed, this purchase can be included in initial shopping fee or I can share recommendations to purchase ahead of time.

  • The basic fee structure is $400 + the cost of groceries. The fee for each client is discussed and determined following our consultation, as factors such as distance and number of people per household can potentially impact the pricing.

  • Full payment is due on the cooking date.

  • Service is available on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis.

Roasted salmon with lemon and green herbs

Mama Jean provided the most delicious gluten-free meals to my family during a moment of transition. The food that Jess prepares is so nourishing and satisfying, while also meeting our health goals. We are so grateful. Mama Jean is a lifesaver!”

— Elizabeth W.